Automatic Mahjong Table

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Frequently asked questions

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more. Select your preferred option at checkout.

Is my payment information secure?

Absolutely. We use encrypted, secure payment gateways that protect your payment information. Your data is safe with us.

Will I receive an invoice for my purchase?

Yes, you’ll receive a digital invoice via email immediately after your payment is processed. Keep it for your records!

What is PayLater, and how does it work?

PayLater lets you make a purchase now and pay for it later in interest-free installments. Simply select PayLater by Grab or Atome at checkout, and choose the installment plan that best fits your needs.

Which PayLater options do you offer?

We currently accept PayLater through Grab and Atome. Both allow you to split your payment into easy, manageable installments with no interest.

What are the available installment plans with Grab and Atome?

PayLater by Grab offers flexible monthly installment plans, while Atome typically allows you to split payments into three installments. Exact plans will be displayed at checkout.

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